Chuchoman Projects begins DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 3 Version Latino project. Such project had the goal of dubbing the game with the original Latin American dub.
Kinnikuchu YouTube channel is created, a place for Chuchoman Projects to upload progress videos about Tenkaichi Latino.
DBZ Tenkaichi 2 Latino is released.
First BETA of DBZ Tenkaichi 3 Latino is released.
Second BETA of DBZ Tenkaichi 3 Latino is released.
Third BETA of DBZ Tenkaichi 3 Latino is released.
Chuchoman Projects announces that DBZ Tenkaichi 3 Version Latino project has ended. After years of development the project reached its final goal.
Chuchoman announces the possibility of adding MODS to Tenkaichi 3.
DBZ Tenkaichi 3 Version Latino Final Version is released.
Kinnikuchu makes progress on Tenkaichi 3 Modding, showcasing 3D Model modification and moves swapping. Some of his MODs are showcased on videogame website 3Djuegos
Kinnikuchu shows Seiya, from Saint Seiya, modded into Tenkaichi 3, marking a milestone on DBZ modding.
Kinnikuchu makes his first "Crazy Fusion", marking the begining of an era of crazyness never seen before.
Kinnikuchu makes new characters from Battle of Gods movie, such as Beerus and Goku new outfits.
Kinnikuchu releases "GOD PACK", a modding pack which includes new outfits and characters from Dragon Ball new movies, along side new graphical interfaces to the game.
Kinnikuchu keeps exploring Tenkaichi 3 Modding possibilities, and at the same time becomes the main source of Crazy Fusions on the Web, reaching over 400K followers.