Here you'll find the progress of the ISO. Graphs below shows in percentage the completion of each element that composes the ISO. Progress will be updated periodically.

Character 3D Models

The ISO will include new characters and outfits, all of these need to be 3D modeled from scratch.

Damaged Outfits

Whenever a character gets blown up, its clothes are ripped apart.


New characters need some exciting moves and techniques.

Special Effects

Can't have exciting moves without some cool visuals, right?


ISO will feature some mind blowing Maps to fight at.


These are the images that represents the new and existing characters.

Character 3D Models

The ISO will hold over 56 character models (including transformations and extra outfits). Each of these character need to be made from scratch and imported into DBZ Tenkaichi 3 game. It is perhaps one of the most tough process on this ISO making adventure.

3D models
damaged outfit

Damaged Outfits

Damaged Outfits are the appearence each character gets when receiving destructive attacks. This ISO will include several new damaged outfits for the new characters and its extra skins.


Each new character has to have a set of special attacks and move-sets. These determine how the character will fight and what kind of super attacks it'll have.

Goku Black
Goku Ultra Instinct

Special Effects

Special Effects refers to the way the special attacks will be shown in the game. Some character have pink attacks, other have blue auras and even some have black colored blasts!


This ISO will include new battle stages, or as people call them "Maps".

DBS Future City Destroyed
Big Image BT3


On this ISO there will be a set of new images to the character roster, along side other graphical changes to the game.